Unleash Productivity: Get your business noticed while working from home

Welcome to Shomigo’s first In The Trenches newsletter! We are so excited to launch this semi-weekly newsletter with you all and so glad you are a part of this journey. Every Monday, we will share a motivational quote, a productivity hack, a marketing boost, a brand spotlight, as well as a reflection question.

Motivational Quote 🚀

“The expert in anything was once a beginner” - Helen Hayes

Now that we are inspired, let’s be productive 💪

Productivity Hack 📓

In the era of remote work, many of us have faced the challenge of staying productive in a space that doubles as both home and office. If you've noticed a dip in your productivity or find yourself easily distracted, the solution might be simpler than you think: establishing a dedicated workspace.

Research has consistently shown the benefits of having a specific area for work, including increased productivity, focus, and efficiency. A dedicated workspace does more than just physically separate you from the distractions of home life; it psychologically prepares you for work, signaling to your brain that it's time to concentrate and engage in professional tasks.

Creating this space isn't just about putting a desk in a quiet corner; it's about making a deliberate effort to design an area that enhances your work mindset. Ergonomics play a crucial role here—investing in a comfortable chair and ensuring your desk setup prevents strain can make long hours of work more manageable. Likewise, good lighting, especially natural light, can improve your mood and energy levels.

The key to making your workspace effective is consistency. Use this space exclusively for work and try to maintain regular work hours. This not only helps in building a routine but also strengthens the mental association between your workspace and productivity.

However, a word of caution: avoid the temptation to work from your bed. It might seem comfortable, but it blurs the boundaries between rest and work, potentially affecting your sleep quality and overall productivity.

Okay, inspired and productive! Let’s get this marketing 😀

Marketing Boost 📈

Did you know that “organic search delivers 53% of all website traffic”? This is largely accounted to SEO!

SEO means search engine optimization. It is the process of improving your website to increase attraction and visibility on search engines such as Google, Microsoft Bing, and others. SEO is critical because the better visibility you have, the more likely your target audience will click on your website.

Whenever anyone wants to do something, whether it is finding information, researching a product or service, or looking for inspiration, it mostly begins with a search.

You can increase your website’s SEO by using keywords on your website, updating your content regularly, getting referrals from other websites, and most importantly, understanding your online customers.

Check out this video for a great in-depth explanation of SEO:

Before you go, we want to share a brand with you! 🛍️

Brand Spotlight 🔦

This Monday’s brand spotlight is on Elsewhere!

Elsewhere is a clothing project launched with the pursuit of exploring colours found in nature. Founded in Toronto, Elsewhere is focused on perfecting quality, affordability, and comfort. Their capsule collection is the exploration of places that are discovered; inspiring us to not only discover the beauty of nature but also within ourselves. All products are made with sustainable and ethical practices, and locally sourced materials, whenever possible. Furthermore, they were awarded with the Summer 2022 Best Newcomer Silver Title by the World Ecommerce Awards

Join their new clothing launch soon: https://officialelsewhere.com/

 Keep this question in mind throughout your day 💭

Question of the day…❓

What progress or achievement have I made today, no matter how small?

What do you want to learn about or see from our blog?📝